Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Water pollution:

As Malaysia is fast becoming an industrial country, many of her rivers have become polluted due to the many wastes that have been poured out into her rivers. Such as the paper making industry, it requires chemicals, often poisonous in its production. The rivers are used as an outlet for the chemicals to drain away, in turn harming the waters and the lives that revolve around them.
There are many ethnic aboriginal groups that still exist in Malaysia and the people depend on the rivers and streams to survive. They depend on the river for food, water supply for drinking, bathing and for their crops. the river happens to be the main centre of their livelihood and without the rivers the whole tribes cannot survive as their ancestors had done generations before them, all of them depending on the rivers.
The rivers have become a tourist attraction and this has prompted the construction of hotels and resorts around the area. As a result, many of the forests surrounding the river areas have been chopped down. The surrounding soil have no roots to hold on to and soon erode when the rains come. The soil runs into the rivers and soon the rivers become murky and shut out all the sunlight from reaching the aquatic life in the rivers and streams. This causes them to die.
A good example is the construction of a new golf course near the waterfall at tourist attraction Fraser’s Hill in the state of Pahang, causing it to become extremely murky and dirty due to the silt and sand that comes from the construction. The waterfall which has been the centrepoint of the hill has now lost all its attraction just because of the overwhelming need to attract more tourists to the place by building more facilities.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmm.. This is water pollution sis... lol

  3. I'm agree with the post, i wish water pollution did not exist in Malaysia

  4. Hope that we dont have to drink these water in the future if this pollution keep moving

  5. can i know , what are the effects if human use polluted water ?

    1. these water has a lot of different virus and bacteria that can cause deadly disease that cam make human dead with massive scale

  6. I hope one day, nothing problem about water polution in our country :)

  7. Safe drinking water is one of the most basic human necessities, yet many millions of families spend a major part of their day struggling to get an adequate supply. For most of these people the only water available is contaminated with disease and harmful bacteria, resulting in millions of child and family illnesses leading to death.

    800 million people have no access to safe drinking water.

    Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a water-related illness

    Women spend 200 million hours a day collecting water

    The majority of illness is caused by fecal matter

    More people have a mobile than a toilet

    Lack of community involvement causes 50% of other projects to fail

    1. Those who were responsible on this problem will not realize until it happen to themselves or their family

    2. i agree with you jannah , saadah .

  8. excellent

  9. so excitement on this ! water pollution may kill humans . . beware !

    1. yup ! that is true Aisyah Farhana !hope can reduce this pollution soon !

  10. not only hope . we must do something so that our hopes into reality (Y)

  11. There are a lot of products in water filtering. Are they as good as they told in their advertisement or just a business strategies? I think, if the products are good for the health of people, why don't the PAIP/Syabas/JBA use them at their main resource of water before being spread out to the consumers?

  12. An idiom said: We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Think and appreciate our nature!
